Upgrade in the Listing Level of the Ordinary Registered Shares of BELUGA GROUP

july 27 /2020

Pursuant to the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange, on July 23, the following resolution was adopted:

Effective July 27, 2020, to upgrade the ordinary shares of Public Joint-Stock Company BELUGA GROUP (ticker symbol: BELU, issue registration number: 1-01-55052-E, ISIN code: RU000A0HL5M1) from the Level Three section to the Level Two section of the List of Securities Accepted for Trading on the Moscow Exchange.

The Management Board of BELUGA GROUP believes that the upgrade of the securities to Level Two of the listing confirms the high level of the Group's corporate governance; this will potentially result in the expansion of the local and international investor base and, along with the recent inclusion of BELUGA GROUP PJSC in the indices of the Moscow Exchange, may also contribute to an increase in the securities' liquidity.

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