Beluga vodka sales in Poland have reached their historic highs

december 9 /2021

For the three quarters of 2021, Beluga vodka sales in Poland grew by +51%, reaching record levels. This market is one of the biggest globally in terms of super-premium vodka consumption. Beluga ranks second with 18.4% market share and is currently the only growing brand among stagnating competitors, including the Polish ones. According to Nielsen research, in 2021 the group's flagship brand has overtaken one of its key competitors, Belvedere, for which Poland is the home market, in the off-trade channel in terms of weighted distribution – the share of sales in covered outlets in the total market volume. This is an important achievement within the brand's strategy to expand its global presence.

First among the key drivers of success on this priority market is brand development in retail chains of various formats, and effective product management, which includes temporary product placements and seasonal promotions – such as limited editions exclusively for chains and festive periods. Another important factor in the development of Beluga in Poland is the growing awareness of the brand in that country, as evidenced by the large number of publications mentioning Beluga in the accounts of media personalities and Influencers.

The brand will continue to move towards leadership in the Polish market, strengthening its presence in on-trade establishments and the retail channel.

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