BELUGA GROUP relaunches the Zimnyaya Doroga vodka brand

july 11 /2022

The novelty in BELUGA GROUP’s vodkas collection – Zimnyaya Doroga.

Over more than 10 years on the market, the brand has gained loyal audience. Purchased by BELUGA GROUP in December 2021, by July 2022 it has been redesigned, preserving the succession.

This vodka is being created using the classical method, the product’s base are drinking water and Alpha spirit with an addition of rye and wheat alcohol infusion. The production takes place at the Georgievsky Distillery. Quality Traditions. The vodka has a significant aroma with the notes of grain crops, mild taste and pleasant aftertaste.

The Zimnyaya Doroga vodka is already available to the WineLab customers and soon will be presented in key retail chains.

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