BELUGA GROUP becomes an exclusive distributor of Southern Comfort in Russia

september 28 /2021

BELUGA GROUP becomes an exclusive distributor of Southern Comfort in Russia – a whiskey-liquor brand with almost 150-years history. The product is created by blending spirit, whiskey, fruits, sugar syrup, caramel and natural aromatic spices. In Russia, the brand’s range will be represented by two positions: a sweet 35-degrees whiskey-liquor Southern Comfort Original and more spiced 40-degrees Southern Comfort Black.

Southern Comfort belongs to Sazerac, the American company with an export to 116 countries. It is the fifth brand from the partner’s portfolio represented in Russia by BELUGA GROUP – in addition to Buffalo Trace, Benchmark, Early Times and Fireball.

The expansion of cooperation with Sazerac, which unites popular alcohol brands and production facilities in the USA, Canada, and France, reflects the key priorities of our company and will accelerate the implementation of a long-term strategy, as well as strengthen the group's competitive position in the growing whiskey market in Russia.

The sales of Southern Comfort in Russia will launch in October 2021.

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