Synergy became BELUGA GROUP

june 26 /2017

BELUGA GROUP becomes as new corporate brand of the largest spirits Company in Russia. The decision has been taken at the annual shareholders meeting of the Group on June 26. Names of the companies entering into Group will be brought into accordance with a new brand.

Also the new corporate website of the Group will be launched soon and we’ll report about it  additionally. The current website and e-mail addresses remain active one more month.

Commenting today's decision of the annual meeting, CEO Alexander Mechetin said: «We highly appreciate support and trust of shareholders which share our aspiration to become even more open Company, aimed at strategic development and improvement of a corporate brand and business of the Group.

I’m sure that with BELUGA GROUP brand we’ll achieve new success in production, sale and distribution of the best alcoholic beverages, keeping the leading positions on the market. The Group will continue forward movement, strengthening presence on internal and foreign markets, developing corporate culture and communications with target groups at all levels».

Download the Group presentation

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