Ordinary shares of PJSC BELUGA GROUP are including in the SMID Index of Moscow Exchange

june 18 /2021

Moscow Exchange, upon the recommendation of the Index Committee, has formed the bases for calculation of share indices, which will be in force starting from June 18, 2021.

Thus, ordinary shares of PJSC BELUGA GROUP are added to the SMID Index. Previously, the group's shares were included in the Broad Market Index and the Consumer Sector Index of the Moscow Exchange.

Alexander Mechetin, CEO of the company, commented on this event as follows: "We consider this to be positive news for our shareholders. The inclusion of the company’s shares in the Index will lead to additional interest from the investor community, including dedicated ETFs. Together with recent SPO of treasury shares, this is another important landmark in the group’s history as a public company. This, in turn, will have a positive impact on the liquidity of our securities, and, ultimately, on the shareholder value of BELUGA GROUP."

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