BELUGA GROUP shares are included in the MVIS Russia Small-Cap index

september 13 /2021

MV Index Solutions (MVIS Indices) announced the results of the September review of country indices.

Thus, the base for calculation of the MVIS Russia Small-Cap, which includes 25 securities selected based on the criteria of liquidity, capitalization and the proportion of shares in free float, will include ordinary shares of BELUGA GROUP with a total weight of 1.77%.

Along with the MVIS Russia Small-Cap index, today the shares of BELUGA GROUP are included in Broad Market, the Consumer Sector Companies and SMID Indices of Moscow Exchange.

Alexander Mechetin, CEO of the company, commented on this event as follows: "The inclusion BELUGA GROUP’s shares into international index is positive news for our shareholders and an important milestone in the the company's investment history. We believe that the inclusion of our shares in the MVIS Russia Small-Cap will lead to additional interest from a wider range of investors and provide a passive inflow of capital from index funds."

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