BELUGA GROUP shareholders meeting approved the amount of dividends for 2019

june 2 /2020

At the annual general meeting held on June 1, BELUGA GROUP shareholders approved the payment of dividends for 2019 in the amount of 32 rubles per share (before tax). In general 505.6 mln rubles will be allocated for the payment of dividends.

Thus, 407.8 mln rubles will be allocated to pay dividends on shares outstanding (excluding the treasury shares remaining after redemption*), which is 30% of BELUGA GROUP’s net consolidated profit under IFRS for 2019.

The list of shareholders entitled to receive dividends will be drawn up as of June 12, 2020. The dividend payment period shall be from June 15 to July 21, 2020.

* As of December 31, 2019, BELUGA GROUP held 6,689,112 quasi-treasury shares. On March 18, 2020, an extraordinary general meeting passed a resolution that the company should buy back 3,600,000 of its shares in order to cancel more than half the quasi-treasury shares that it holds. On May 29, 2020, the share capital was reduced by 3,600,000 shares (at the cost of the quasi-treasury shares).  
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