BELUGA GROUP presents the first premium product in the Golden Reserve brand: 8-year-old Golden Reserve Export Edition 8 cognac

march 29 /2021

Golden Reserve Export Edition 8 is a harmonious addition to the Golden Reserve collection, one of the flagships of the Russian cognac market.

The product is unique in that its distillates are produced and aged in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of France and the Ararat region of Armenia. The cognac is brought to the required strength and bottled in Russia's 80-year-old Bastion distillery.

The product is also released with a new design different from the main line. It now features an elegant heavy bottle whose shape is reminiscent of a classic cognac decanter. A metallized barrel-shaped label is then applied to the bottle and sealed with a massive cap. Each bottle is assigned a unique number for quality control and product authenticity.

This new product is already available in 0.5 liter bottles in the WineLab stores. In May, a 0.25 liter bottle will be added to the product line, which will also be release across large national chains. Shelf price — RUB 529.

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